General information
Only original studies will be accepted.
Abstracts submitted will be selected for oral or poster presentation.
All accepted abstracts will be published in the iSMIT 2025 conference proceedings.
By submitting your abstract, you agree that you will be the presenting author, unless otherwise indicated at the time of submission.
The presenting author must be registered for the conference for presentation.
Guidelines for abstract submission
The language of abstracts is English.
Abstract title of maximum 150 characters.
Use US letter size 8.5 inch wide by 11 inch high
Use Arial 14 point bold font for the title, Arial 12 point for the authors and affiliation, and Times 10 point for the body, a smaller Times font can be used for the references
The body of the abstract should be a maximum of 350 words and include the following sections:
Materials and methods
Word doc or PDF file acceptable